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  1. enjoying this blog! amazing results! thankful that God has given all of you the patience to go through this!
    jane oosterhoff

  2. Your blog is amazing Michelle. I am having difficulty with words right now, I'm crying. It seems as though you've documented my daughter's life and posted her pictures. She is now 26 yrs old,( in Sept) and despite her trials and tribulations during her first part of her journey, is the most beautiful girl, both inside and out. She has literally been through almost exactly what Keziah is going through,perhaps with a with a few more setbacks . I made a huge mistake 25 years ago, by not forcing the issue of having my daughter sent to Toronto to see Dr. Zuker, because her Winnipeg surgeon's ego, and his want or need to perform this procedure for the very first time on a face, was more important to him than Gen's best interest. I have not forgiven myself yet, and I feel terribly guilty, could things have worked out differently, or been easier for her? Never, ever feel that you are annoying the doctors, always be strong. Doctors are great, we need them. They chose their career and worked hard for it, but the truth is, we are their paying customers, and it's " Buyer Beware" Would you annoy the hairdresser cutting Keziah's hair if she had a plan of her own that you weren't convinced was the best for her? Doctors are human beings, and should not be followed blindly. When my son and I walked past you in the hallway at Sick Kids, it was like a dream, I saw my daughter. It all came back to me, I was shaking inside and maybe a little on the outside. My heart went out to you, Keziah and her family, as I knew what she was in for. But, I wanted you to know, that with Gods help, good doctors and strong family support, Keziah will be more than fine. Just like my Gena, she will grow and bloom into the most beautiful, most special of God's creations. I believe that everything that Gena has experienced through her journey so far has made her stronger, more determined, more caring,more compassionate.Yes, I believe he has a plan and yes it is difficult to trust , even though we are surrounded constantly by evidence that he carries us through our journey. Most of us just don't know he carries us, yet he still does. Thank you for your blog. Ginette P.S. I copied (this) my comment that I posted on your very first blog of Oct.2011. Forgive me, my first time commenting on a blog.

  3. @Jesus Daily is using your daughters picture.

  4. A brave and beautiful little girl who been through so much...�� I wish the best for keziah and all that life has to offer.

  5. I have same nevus i want to contact you please message me on insta at sanwalshahzadd
