Thursday, April 20, 2017

Sigh of Relief!

Wow, it's been almost a year since I've written on here! That's because our "freckle" journey has been very quiet lately.

Keziah had her last surgery sometime in June of last year, where they lifted up her eyelid a bit as it was getting pretty heavy. Other than that, we haven't done anything in regards to her freckle, and had not been back to Toronto Sick Kids.....until today.

I was notified this past Monday night by a recorded message from the hospital that it had been a year since Keziah was last seen by the dermatologist and that an appointment was booked for today. I thought of cancelling it as I had totally forgot this appointment was booked and so I was not prepared. But knowing how important this appointment is, we made arrangements and off we went to make the trek to Toronto.

Boy, I have *not* missed this at all!! It didn't help that it was pouring rain pretty much all day! Just under 2 hours there, 2 hours back. A trip that really should only take 45 minutes. But hey, we arrived safely there and back, so much to be thankful for.

Keziah is one of the best travelers around, though. She passed the time away, colouring.

Dear Patches has come with her every trip to the hospital since the very first one. This time, another stuffie-friend joined him :)

We only had to wait about 45 minutes until we met with the dermatologist. This girl has had to change into a hospital gown more often than she should have to, however she does it every time with no problems or fears, despite what these gowns usually mean.

After answering lots of questions about all her freckles, satellites and moles, the inspections began. This is when I always get a little nervous. They use a magnifying glass surrounded by very bright lights, and any that they feel need to be looked at closer, is done. They are looking for irregular colour and shape, signs of melanoma.

So you can imagine the deep sigh of relief that comes out of me when I hear, "Well, they all look good and there are no concerns of melanoma at this time."

The threat of melanoma isn't on our minds much at all.......however we can't ignore the reality that the danger is there and we need to remain diligent in her sun care. This always hits home every time another member from our nevus support groups has been diagnosed with cancer, or in the worse case, when they pass away from it. It's not common, yet, with this condition of congenital melanocytic nevus, it's a slight higher risk - hence the sigh of relief after today's appointment.

We didn't get a count of freckles/satellites this time, but more have been popping up. The derm did say that after the age of 6, everyone's freckles tend to pop up and show themselves. The important part is that Keziah loves every single spot :)

After next year's appointment was set, we headed back home. We picked up this gaffer from a friend's home - thanks to this friend's mom who was able to have  Lincoln at the last minute.

Before we got home, we did make that final Tim Horton's - which has always been included every time we have to go the hospital. The kids were happy to split a donut!

So, as long as none of her moles change, we don't have to go back until next year. As for surgeries, nothing will be done until she is a teenager - once her head stops growing. She often states that she is so thankful for the nevus left which is in the shape of an eyebrow. Her scars under and around her eye are a bit red/brown. I am not sure if it's connected, but we have been a bit lax in the massaging of it. We shall start doing that again and see if that helps.

In the mean time, this girl shall continue to create and imagine her way through life! Life is grand in her eyes when she can play, play, play. She has grown up so much since this journey started, pretty much 5 years ago this month. Ack!!! My heart!!!!

Look at her now....7.5 going on 16.

Although most of the main freckle is missing, that bright and sparkly personality continues to shine through. We have so much to be thankful for! We praise God for safe travels today, and a favourable outcome. But most of all, we praise Him for this treasure of a gift, our beautiful, brave girl. May our God continue to keep her safe as she grows emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Thanks again for reading! Take care for now!!


  1. I just love, love, love your updates! And that weeeee girl was so ver cute then, and I am happy her personality has not changed, and that she still loves her freckles!! You've done well!

  2. Hi! I just came across your blog... I was so excited to find it that I read a little and before I could read any longer I just HAD to message you! My daughter is 6 and has had 10 surgeries so far and a long way to go... she has a large scalp Nevus. Your blog has already brought me comfort and I've only read a couple posts so far! Could you email me? My email is:
    I'd love to be in touch... we just found out yesterday we basically have to start over with this removal process and we start another round of expanders next month. Thank you!!!

  3. Just showed my daughter Keziah and her freckle. We go back to the surgeon tomorrow to discuss her next leg of journeys for her large nevus sebaceous. She had expanders in her scalp in 2014, when she was 2, now she will get one in her neck for facial reconstruction. I wanted to show her Keziah’s journey so that she could see that somewhere else there’s another brave and beautiful little girl who understands what she’s going through. Thank you, again, for sharing your journey because it gives my family so much hope and more than that, it gives my daughter courage. God bless!

  4. Hola ! Is nice to read an update and see that everything is well with K and your family. She looks so pretty and all grownup. We are glad she doesn’t need any more procedures for now. We are still following your journey.
    Delia y Carlos
