Monday, February 16, 2015

Say What?! Oh, and a Surgery Date.


It's been a few months, hasn't it? I hope this finds you well! And I also hope you don't live anywhere near me - for that means you are living in the frigid temperatures like I am. -25 degrees Celsius is awfully cold.

Seeing as it's been a few months since I've updated, I thought now would be a good time. Keziah is doing well, happy and loving all the snow.

But it's not only an update I want to give you, I also want to ask you a question:

See that picture above? Would 'zombie' ever enter your mind by looking at her?!
Yes, there's a story to my question. The other day, I brought Keziah into the walk-in clinic due to a very tight chest, thanks to a lingering cough for over a month. The doctor walked in, took one look at Keziah and said,
"What do we have here, a zombie visiting us?"
I was somewhat taken aback. Well, actually, I was kind of stunned - so stunned that I didn't even reply back! You know why?! Because I wasn't sure what he was referring fact, it took me all day to admit to the reality that he really was referring to her birthmark.
All day, every time I thought about his comment, I shooed it away thinking that there was no way his mention of her looking like a zombie was because of her birthmark. I convinced myself all day that he called every patient a zombie, and well, that was just his way of saying hi to someone.
It wasn't until I spoke of what happened to Nathan later that night when I faced the reality that he really did say that because of her birthmark. I never said anything earlier to him because I just couldn't and wasn't ready to connect the two: birthmark and zombie. But by saying it aloud, I was faced with the question: why else would he have said it?
Really?! Really???!!
As I laid in bed that night, with tears in my eyes, I was at first angry with myself for not putting that doctor in his place. But then, I was thankful I didn't. Why? Because then Keziah would have noticed that something was up, that he was saying something about her birthmark. You see, she has no idea what a zombie is, and so she never connected the two. She just giggled at what he said. If I had made a big deal and told him off, she would have clued in very quickly that he said something about her birthmark.
So while I am glad she never clued in, that still doesn't stop me from crying about it all. Even though she had no idea, my mama heart is very angry......angry that he said it and angry that I never put him straight.
It also makes my heart sad for our beautiful girl. She is 5.5 years of age......there is going to come a time when she will start to notice how many people point and stare at her. So far she is unaware, but I have a feeling not for long. And that makes my heart sad, knowing that she is coming closer to an age where reality sets in and she starts to notice how much negative attention she gets because of her freckle.
We continue to pray for wisdom. She is a very happy, confident girl, full of life and very caring. We pray that we are given what we may need in the days, months and years ahead, so that she may always know she is beautiful, inside and out. She still loves her freckle, but is looking forward to when people will stop asking her about her shiner.
Speaking of that.....her next surgery (and last?!) is booked. It is to take place on Tuesday, April 7th. That leaves us with just under two months before we have to think of it. And she already knows how she'll spend the next 8 weeks.......with her best friend, her brother. I will update the blog again once April 7th gets closer, to go over what Dr. Zuker hopes to achieve. Until then, take care and thanks for reading!



  1. Michelle, you know, those of us who know and are a little wiser know that she is not.
    But okay, let's just step back for a minute and replay this scenario in a different light.
    The doctor walks in. He sees a bright, perfectly-at-ease-with-herself child and her utterly enamored mother. That mark on her face. There is absolutely no way that this is an anomaly of sorts. No way! You can't as a parent come through something like that without being worried what others think (because most people have a very, very small collection of family members or friends if at all! - who just might, if you are lucky, know and accept this perfectly normal manifestation in a sin-affected world ) solicitous for your child because her contacts with others are by and large negative, sad because the joy that you expected when she was born wasn't given, toughened because of the work that follows in coming to terms with your child who didn't exactly fulfill your perfect dream....
    No. Just not possible. They are playing, that's what it is. That cheerful little gleam in the girl's eyes, and the love that streams from the mum must mean that they are just playing a game. Yeah, that's it! I'll play along with this game. I love kids, and this one is just so cute! "So, hey! What have we here? A zombie?"....
    ..........that look in that lady's eyes. Of hurt....betrayal.....shock....
    Doubts filter in. You mean.....that's for real? No...can't be!......Or , is it?.......
    Sick feeling in my stomach.....please, can we just turn back the clock?
    Please! I'm a doctor! I love kids! .......
    Please, just please. Make this go away! It didn't happen!......
    But it won't. It never will! This is going to haunt me as long as I live.....

    1. I did say that to Nathan - that he is probably kicking himself for what he said. While he was listening to Keziah's chest, he really looked at her birthmark and asked about that tells me he knew what he said. I hope it haunts him to the point to always think before he speaks.

    2. I hope so too. It would be a problem, otherwise. I do wonder if his initial impression was that it was put on.
