Friday, April 10, 2015

Surgery #7 Come and Gone

Tuesday seems quite awhile ago already, and it is exciting that we have passed 3 days of recovery without any complications.

Before I post pictures of Surgery Day and the days after, I warn put it bluntly, she looks pretty beat up. In fact, with Lincoln in a cast, and Keziah walking around the way she looks right now, I don't dare step foot out the door for fear of people calling the Children's Aid Society on us!

Also, if you are looking for big results, well, you'll have to wait a bit for that.  It will be more obvious in a number of months from now. There is a whole lot of healing that needs to take place before we can truly see if the desired results are there. All we know is, while she looks like a beautiful mess right now, Dr. Zuker was pleased with how surgery went, and he was able to do skin grafts under her eyebrow, shorten the eyebrow with skin grafts, excise the rest under her eye and thin out her scalp scar.

After 3 years and 7 surgeries, one's file gets rather thick.

All dressed up in her hospital garbs, sporting a brave face as we wait for our turn for the OR.

And there she goes. All on her own - knowing full well what is waiting for her. Her bravery makes us tear up every time.

Surgery was just over 3.5 hours, and we got to see her after an hour in recovery. By 6 we were in our room and supper was ordered and delivered. The head wrap is to protect her ear, where the skin was taken off of for around her eye.

Saying good-bye to daddy, then enjoying a treat she remembered from her Aunt Michelle, who was taking good care of Lincoln back at home.

Keziah slept well that night and woke up hungry! Nothing like bacon to cure all owies!!

Because she was doing so well, the IV could come out, which she was glad to do herself (mostly). Shaindy came to visit her, and then off to the Craft Room to wait for Daddy and Lincoln to take us home!

Once home, we rigged her bed so her head would be elevated the way Dr. Zuker asked, and she has slept well every night home so far.

Keziah's eye continued to swell up, with it being pretty much closed Wednesday and Thursday, with it looking like she found some of my eye make-up. Today we are excited to see that second brown eye peek through!!

Despite some uncomfortable moments (itchiness, crusties in the sore eye, finding out that tears have salt.....which hurts the owies more!), this girl manages to take everything in stride, ready to be goofy and showing that beautiful smile of hers!

We go back to Sick Kids for 7 am Tuesday morning, for Dr. Zuker to take off all the gauze under her eyebrow (you can't really see the gauze as it is all bloody and stuff...), the steri-strips under her eye, as well as her head wrap. She will be put out for all this. We pray that the skin grafts have taken by then and that the healing continues.

Thanks again for all your prayers this week! It has been a tough one in some regard, but one that is now behind us. We thank God for carrying us through the past few days.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing Michelle! What a trooper she is! Keep smiling Keziah! It's beautiful to see how well you are doing! God is Good!! Praying for continued healing, Dianne
