Thursday, January 30, 2014

Fill #7

Another fill done and over. Seven already behind us. That feels great! We have 3 or 4 more to go. I say 3 or 4 because I am not sure if we will be doing a 4th fill as it may be too close to actual surgery date. Her surgery for removal is March 4th. Another month of fills, but it's a short month! Yay!!

We are noticing the days are getting longer. When she had her first fills back in early December, we would leave in the dark. Now we get to see the sunrise, which is always breathtaking and beautiful.

But it's still early and this girl is thankful for her thumb and blanket, which is ALWAYS on her head.

No pictures of the actual fill up today or of her unwrapping her present. While the present idea worked perfectly last week, this week not so much. That's the thing when they are older - you can't pull a fast one over them so quickly anymore. She knew very much that we were trying to distract her an why. I had two presents for her, and she got through the first one in tears. But at least she didn't scream or kick, just cried.

She was not interested in opening up her other present. She told me to save it for next time :o) So while she still doesn't like the fill, she is brave and accepting in the fact that there obviously is going to be a "next time" and that she wants to save that present for then. However, this does leave me wondering if the bubble is starting to affect her thinking. I mean, what kid has enough self control to not want to rip open a present??! Crazy girl :o)

Here are the results of her fill:

 Trying to see her bubble :o)

From the sides:

And her gifts. The book is from the hospital, and the gift she unwrapped from us a Pez Dispenser. You'll have to wait until next week to see what the second present was....;o)

So as you can see, her hair is really thinning. Well, it's being stretched. I am trying hard not to worry about how much scalp skin we can see, however it is hard. I worry that that is how thin it'll always be, even if without the bubble. However, once again after expressing my concerns, I was reminded by our support group that you just have to wait until the end, to wait until not just the removal has taken place, but also to wait until a few weeks after removal before you can really see the results.

I re-did her hair to see if it'd make a difference. A little bit, but not much. I am just going to have to be patient and not have visions of less than favourable results. Besides, instead of focussing on the thinning hair, focus on those deep brown eyes she has. She has told me that the reason why she has dark eyes is so that she can see in the dark. Ah, how I love this girl and continue to thank God each and everyday for blessing us with her.

Have a great week! We'll "see" you next week and thanks for stopping by.


  1. There you go! This girl is so wise! Do you know that she is going to be very beautiful? Thin hair? Possibly, but you can work with that and it is not the end of the world. What a great kid!

  2. Michelle she is beautiful no matter what! Those eyes and that smile are precious and she is wiser than most of old folk:)
