Last week Wednesday was Keziah's second last fill. We are excited about that for her (and us)! That means tomorrow will be her last one!!!
We once again left bright and early, taking Lincoln with us as we planned to continue on to Ottawa. Lincoln was excited!
Through all of these trips, Keziah is proving to be quite a consistent girl: excited to go to the hospital, eager to play, kick and scream during the procedure and then happy to play again. Although she still gets quite upset during the procedure, I do not anymore, knowing how quickly she recovers. Kids are so resilient!
25 cc's (forehead) and 18 cc's (cheek) later, we were about to leave but someone else needed to be seen by Dr. Zucker.
Nathan has this tiny pinprick of a mark on the end of his nose which if scratched,
will bleed till the cows come home. Well, while waiting with Keziah, he was playing with Lincoln and Linc got a hold of his dad's nose, which opened up that pinprick. And it bled. And bled and bled and bled. It started just as we got there, through the whole time we were waiting, during the procedure, during bravery bead picking and chocolate milk buying, all the while him dabbing at it. Dr. Zucker came to the rescue and treated it for him! This was good or else he would have been dabbing at it throughout the drive to Ottawa! Keziah was very impressed with her dad's bravery, asking "daddy, you didn't cry?!". And since I know you are wondering, no, he did not get a bravery bead. :o)
Chocolate milk and cookie in hand, off we went to Ottawa!
And here she is with one more fill to go:
Yup!! Still smiling!!
I do hope to post about our trip to Ottawa in the next days. Today Keziah has her physical (preperation for surgery next week) and Wednesday we go back to the hospital. So more blog posts coming!
Once again, thank you all for your prayers, thoughts, emails, calls, cards etc. The support we have received is humbling. Knowing that we are remembered in prayer is comforting. What an amazing God we have, One that is oh so powerful yet approachable. Thank you for approaching Him with us and on our behalf!
I just discovered the blog this morning and spent the last hour ++ reading everything. :) What a journey...wishing you all the best and much courage and strength as you enter the homestretch of this phase!
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking us with you on this journey. Glad for Keziah and you guys that these weekly visits are almost done. Praying that God will make all things well and bless these efforts.
ReplyDeleteHi Michelle, So good that you are able to get a way as a family to Ottawa, I hope that you have a great time. Will be watching the blog next week especially, Keziah is such a brave little girl! Praying for all of you,
ReplyDeleteDiane Heida
She is doing so good!! (so are you guys!) You are almost there. Will be thinking of you all this week. I won't be able to read your blog for a few days but know you are still in our thoughts and prayers. Love you all!!