As I am sure you can tell by the picture, her landing was, er, not really graceful. Let's just say it wasn't a perfect 10. She ended up with a mouth and face full of mulch!
We howled, as it looked quite funny. That was then, when grabbing the camera was more important than running to make sure she didn't pop an expander.
We will admit that when the expanders first were starting to fill up, we would consider ourselves in a category with some other parents, known as the 'helicopter' parents. We definitely hovered around her a bit more, making sure areas where she was running about was safe. But she is 2.5! She IS going to bonk her head. She WILL run into things. And she has.
One of the first times she ran into something was a few weeks ago at our friends' house. She was running to me, crying for whatever reason (she's a happens :o). I was sitting at the dining room table and wouldn't you know it, just before she reached me, she ran straight into the corner of the table. I saw the corner go INTO her cheek! My heart stopped and my stomach dropped to the floor. I quickly picked her up, very fearful of what just happened. To my surprise and relief, I could tell right away that nothing happened. That's right! Nothing!! She didn't even notice herself!! If anything, I think more damage was done to my heart than to her cheek!
That incident really proved to us that those expanders are not thin little balloons. They are thick and durable. It's almost like we needed her to do that to get over our hovering. We are more relaxed about it now, not quite as relaxed as a few months ago, but a little more at ease. But as her expanders get larger, our ease wanes. I mean, look at her....wouldn't you think she would just topple over from her head being so unproportionate to her body?! We are still fearful of her falling onto pavement and scraping her forehead or cheek, also known as the "good" skin; the fact that there is a risk of it popping, we still keep an eye on her. At church, kids often like to run after her, playing. This definitely makes us nervous because she is crowded around by kids which can make her trip and fall. So at church we tend to keep her close by.
But for the most part, we let her be a regular 2.5 year old, letting her do what 2.5 year olds like to do. She has learned now how to swing on the swing more carefully and continues to love it!
The other day it was raining, and this child LOVES to run in the rain! And look at the happiness in her face! How could we NOT let her enjoy this moment? Sure she could slip and fall (and she did as you will see), but we just couldn't deny her this much joy. Besides, then we would have denied ourselves the pleasure of watching her run about without a care in the world.
And to her, life looks even better upside down!! :o)
(yes, I absolutely cringe when she puts her head upside down. I just don't like it as I think the pressure of being upside down will do something to the expanders. I mean, my head feels like it's going to pop if I'm upside down too long, so wouldn't hers actually??! I know, it won't but it just looks uncomfortable.)
It does help that Keziah is not a hyper child, but one who is cautious (usually) and likes to do quiet things too. Below are some "safe" activities she likes to do, and I don't mind because it means no more heart failure! Heart melting, but not heart failure :o)
(looks like Lincoln is trying to figure out what is that on his sister's head)
Baking! No problems with opening her mouth up to lick the beater....funny how that is :o)
Feeding her brother!
Painting....and even FINGER painting!!
So as you can see, life continues on for her like any other child her age. Other than dealing with the procedures, our little girl continues to be happy, usually smiling and singing, enjoying each and every day. She is a blessing I tell you. A real blessing.
As her cheek gets bigger, the question of how she is able to sleep is posed to us on a regular basis. Well, you tell me. What looks more uncomfortable, her sleeping on her cheek expander or the fact that she is in that position??! I don't know about you, but I think for me, sleeping on a bubble that goes into a pillow would be a whole lot more comfortable than with my legs like that!! And yet she continues to sleep. With no problem. :o)
Thanks for sharing! I hope this exercise is good for your heart ;)-- you don't even need to do aerobics. ;)
ReplyDeleteYou have a wonderful daughter, btw! Isn't it just great to see her enjoy life with such abandon?!
Well, I remember sleeping in bed with my niece, I wont mention any names Michelle, and this niece put her feet up on my neck and PUSHED with all of her might!! The force was incredible. So, like mother, like daughter. :)
LOL! Oops! Yeah, my feet have a lot of force. I know that because of how quickly a foot ends up in my mouth! :o)