Nathan had a two day conference in Ottawa last week. When he heard about it, he asked if we wanted to come with him and make it a bit of a holiday. I told him I was interested but only if he could find us a suite, meaning, a kitchen, so I didn't have to drag the kids out by myself every breakfast and lunch. He found one and booked a suite at the Minto Suites. It was fantastic!!
We figured we would leave after our trip to the hospital, seeing as we would be done a big chunk of traveling, not distance-wise, but definitely traffic-wise. And so we went. We made a brief stop for lunch and then arrived in Ottawa by 4ish. We almost had to cancel our trip after our lunch though because of this:
No, not because of food poisoning but because of expenses!! I didn't see the price of the sandwich until after it was toasted and wrapped up for me. Gulp! Let me tell you, I ate every bit of this $10.29 dried out sandwich and licked the wrapper clean! I knew any crumb I left represented a dollar and would be like throwing money in the garbage! So heads up if you plan on stopping at any OnRoute places along the 401 corridor. I suggest you take a out a loan.
Once at the hotel, we settled in and made ourselves at home. I knew the room would have carpet and so I gave Keziah some princess shoes to wear (our house has a lot of tile. I can only handle so much clack, clack, clack!!). Keziah LOVED them and had fun wearing them, as well as trying to put them on daddy's foot. No Cinderella here!! :o)
Slaving away in the kitchen... my family waits patiently for supper (I thought cheese would be good enough but apparently not :o)
'scuse me? When did YOU get so grown-up looking??!
We were on the 21st floor and so we had a fantastic view! "Mom, the people look like ants!!"
We had fun one morning watching these two guys climb up the building beside us and hang a huge Canada flag.
So while Nathan was at the conference, we passed the time away in our new "home", playing, swimming in the indoor pool and walking to a nearby park. I took this jumperoo thingee for Lincoln and he loved it!
He also loved the clicker for the TV. I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I think once this guy figures out how to crawl, we are in t.r.o.u.b.l.e. Look at that mischievous glint in his eyes!!
We celebrated Father's Day a day early. Keziah found the card and ran to give it to her dad! I hadn't even had a chance to write in it yet! Oh well, Nathan was thrilled and so was Kez!
On Saturday, we spent some time at the Agricultural Farm. Keziah had a great time, being only afraid of the cows. She petted everything else and was even brave enough to pet the "statue" cow :o)
Oreo, the rabbit!
Tractor and combine fun! Fun for dad that is. Kez wasn't too keen on the first one as it made a lot of noise.
Back to the animals. Keziah loves anything to do with "babies" and so she couldn't wait to see the baby calves!
Just can't stamp the "farmer" out of him! (yes, there were stations to wash your hands other than in calves' mouths :o)
Lincoln was a bit young to enjoy the sights and sounds of the animals, but he had a good time anyway, sucking on his fingers.
"See? I am brave!!"
There was a great park here as well, which Keziah and Lincoln enjoyed! I sure had to keep on eye on this boy or else most of the sand would have gone in his mouth! Wouldn't hurt, I guess. Give the digestive system a good clean-out.
This child's smile is so infectious!
The weather was so nice we also hit a beach on the Ottawa River.
My parents had rented a boat on the Rideau Canal and so we met up with them one afternoon. We enjoyed the boat ride through a couple of locks. I think this was the first boat ride ever in my life that my dad's boat didn't break down!! :o)
Lincoln, relaxing and snoozing to the sway of the boat. He'd make a good "Moses":
The little wading pool where they had docked their boat:
Her expanders keeping her afloat!! Kidding! (but I wonder...Don't worry, I am not going to try :o)
And that brings us to Monday, the day we headed home. After we got these monkeys up
we packed up and left our little home. I think what Keziah will miss the most are the rides we had to take in the "elegator".
We had a great time (as long as we don't focus on peoples' reactions as we continue to take her out in public...a post for another day) and are thankful for this time we could spend together.
Nice to read that you all had a great time! Praying for success for her surgery - The VanRootselaar's